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Brothel means 'a house of prostitution' . But you may wonder why people patronize the place, or rather may be curious on the 'excuse' for prostitution itself.

Although morally, prostitution is perceived as a sin. But contemporarily, this perception has been altered. So seriously that, it is now a major societal controversy.

Be that as it may, varieties of perspectives on a debate should not be enough to create confusion and tension. Rather it is an advantage for a concious audience ; so that they could have an overall assessment of the issue , then follow their discretion.

*Especially in a secular state like ours, where some certain things which are understood to be 'religiously deviational' are not 'legally binding' , one needs not to be aggrieved but ensure he is guided*

Even though I won't dwell so much on prostitution, I still believe that my audience needs to be informed. There are justifications for and against prostitution accordingly ;

Apart from the scriptural evidences against them, prostitution and prostitutes are bad for the health. They exposes their patronizers to marriage insecurity, financial mismanagement, diseases and death.

But equally, it relieves them of the daily 'hustle and bustle' and marriage sacrifices.

All things being equal, I am indifferent. Because both the proponents and opponents of prostitution, have germane and pragmatic arguments.

However, I will relate my personal experience. And  thereafter, I hope you will reason along with me on my own take about the matter.

*I think 'prostitutes' should either "quit" or 'up-' their game.*

For personal reasons, I will not disclose the name of my street. But down my street, there is a brothel. A popular and a big one at that.

Each time I passed that route, I was sexually harassed by the prostitutes who will always parade before the brothel and sometimes hold on to passersby.

That is pure nuisance, assault and harassment !

 And whenever I looked around, I saw kids jumping everywhere and teenagers selling 'sex appeal' herbs.  That is an impediment of their bright future and corruption of their innocent minds.

That is so unfortunate !

Even though there is a clear demarcation between legality and morality. There is need for censor. Such as viewers discretion, warnings on cigarettes' pack and adverts on alcohol consumption among many others.

I see no reason prostitutes should parade themselves on the street.  Because their patronizers are matured minds. I believe the idea of parading in the public is to attract customers. But for me, it is unnecessary.

Such business is sensitive to the environment and should be treated as such. I believe prostitution should be an indoor business among matured minds. Whoever wants the service of a prostitute or wants to asses prostitutes should be directed accordingly.

Even common goods have location (the market). 

*Therefore if we could criticize 'Street Hawking', I think we also need to condemn 'Street Nudity'.*

Written by✍Maiyaki Abubakar Damilare [MAIYAKI]

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